
AI experts from the KI.NRW network

Provision of experts on the subject of artificial intelligence from NRW

Are you looking for speakers, do you need specialist expertise for your company or would you like to join forces with other AI enthusiasts in the context of research or start-up projects? KI.NRW can rely on a comprehensive network of actors from politics, business and science and support you with your concerns around the topic of AI.

Our AI managers from KI.NRW can also give presentations and keynotes themselves, primarily for the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises – whether general introductory talks on AI, talks on selected AI technologies (such as speech technologies), or specific impulses for the integration of AI into operational processes.

The KI.NRW network also provides expertise for other needs in companies: We will gladly provide you with contacts who can support you in the preparation or monitoring of projects, in analyses of potential or training needs. Of course, you can also search independently for suitable partners in our AI map or use the contact form below.

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