Voices on artificial intelligence from North Rhine-Westphalia
Short interviews with leading personalities from science and business
North Rhine-Westphalia is an important business location in Germany and, with its numerous research institutions, renowned universities and a rich start-up scene, offers a vibrant ecosystem for the development of pioneering future technologies. For decades, the region on the Rhine and Ruhr has been characterized by an entrepreneurial spirit and scientific excellence. Leading personalities from science and business tell us why AI research particularly benefits from this environment.
University of Siegen
Project Director of the KI.NRW flagship project “Cyber Production Management Lab”
Fraunhofer IEM
Project Director “Datenfabrik.NRW”
Scientific Director of the KI.NRW flagship project »KI und Digital Initiative HANDwerk.NRW«
Zukunftscluster NeuroSys
Coordination of the NeuroSys future cluster
AI Village
Project director of the structural change project »AI Village«
CEO & co-founder of AI hardware Start-up GEMESYS
Universitätsklinik Bonn
Director of the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Bonn University Hospital (UKB) and head of the »Innovative Secure Medical Campus UKB«
University Medicine Essen
Chief Transformation Officer
RWTH Aachen University
Professor of Computer Science
Bielefeld University
Professor of Machine Learning
University of Wuppertal
Professor of Stochastics
Fraunhofer FIT
Professor of Industrial Computer Science and Biosystems Engineering
Münster University of Applied Sciences
Founder and Professor of Statistics and Quantitative Methods
More inspiration through our AI map
The AI map of KI.NRW provides a comprehensive overview of the AI location North Rhine-Westphalia and creates visibility for AI experts from business, science and research. In this way, the AI.NRW competence platform supports the networking of cutting-edge research, innovation and entrepreneurship and makes a significant contribution to establishing North Rhine-Westphalia as a leading national location for applied artificial intelligence.